Testimonials - Seminars


Gymnastics has always been my major weakness where fitness Is concerned and as a competitive athlete I needed help in a number of the movements.

I was following the SYN Gymnastics Instagram page and thought the progressive videos were a fantastic help. I saw a post advertising the seminar and decided to attend both days to see if Simon could help me further!

The weekend was amazing, well structured and packed full of tips and advice.

The warm up routines for each movement were great and I still use these now in preparation for when certain movements come up in a WOD.

The progressions were hard but really set us up correctly once we began carrying out the full movements.

A highlight for me was the butterfly pull ups as prior to the day I resembled a floppy fish but on the day managed a set of 5 which looked pretty awesome!!  These have continued to progress !

I didn’t manage an elusive RMU during the weekend BUT I took away the progression skills which I practiced at home and can now say I have my RMU confidently!

I recommend Simon massively to help you whether it’s to get that first pull up or to link your RMUs he has a wealth of knowledge and a really good eye for picking up even the smallest of inconsistencies in your technique which otherwise wouldn’t be noticed.

The value for money was great, the two days in my opinion was a bargain!

The other people attending the event were very supportive too and I still keep in contact with many of them now!

Thanks for your help!!


The seminar gave me the opportunity to learn techniques to better our program and spearhead our lessons with applicable takeaways.  I gained a lot of value and insights from the basic model and the principles taught in the SYN Gymnastics seminar. Simon was approachable and ready to give me a fast answer from all kinds of questions. Working on the basis of the gymnastics gives me now the easiest way to face any new skill. If Simon is around your town do not doubt a second, his seminar is worth it 100%

Gabriel Bonilla



I found Simon's gymnastics videos on Instagram by chance and started following his profile, as the content seemed to be very interesting and of high quality. I was than super happy and surprised when I found out there will be a seminar in Milan! What a better way to learn than in person, having the opportunity to meet Simon, ask questions and have a whole picture of some of the movements I wanted to learn.

And I haven't been disappointed. The seminar delivered exactly what I have expected! It was organized to details, I understood so many things and learned so many progressions!! I would recommend it to anyone who does crossfit, or anyone who is interested in gymnastics or just want to put their fitness on another lvl! Thanx Simon for the awesome experience and knowledge!


When it comes to gymnastics workshops, SYN GYMNASTICS is an absolute MUST.
Rational and sustainable progressions.
High quality work in terms of articulation, flexibility, prerequisites and technique.
This seminar is a true GAME changer for athletes and coaches who want to take their performance and skills to another level.
Absolutely recommended!


I attended the SYN Gymnastics Seminar in Toronto, Canada. Having seen Simon’s content on Instagram, I signed up for the seminar and it was even better than I anticipated.

Simon’s knowledge of movement is so specific, thorough and broken down all the way to the basics - as a coach I truly appreciated his attention to detail.  He has a great eye for analyzing movement, and letting you know what pieces are missing, or how you might be cheating a movement that will eventually lead you to plateau.  Excited about what I learned in the seminar, I started his online individualized program right away, and it has been a game changer!  There are lots of Gymnastics courses you can take, trust me I’ve done them, but SYN Gymnastics is the best!


I took Simon’s seminar back in September in Ocala, FL. A friend of a friend had spotted him on IG and a few of us started following him. The seminar was so much more and better than I had envisioned. The breakdown of gymnastics skills was amazing and just what I felt like I was missing. The community around me didn’t really emphasize good form for gymnastics skills that much and when I listened to Simon and went through the breakdowns at the seminar it just all made so much sense. I signed up for one of his online classes shortly after and I’m loving it!


I had found out about your Instagram and programs from my Icelandic friend, Kolla. I'd been doing fitness for nearly 5 years with a brief pregnancy break, but was still scaling or frustrated by most gymnastics movements, especially pullups. I kept saying things like "I'm a lifter" to qualify my lack of skill and strength in moving my body. I saw your Pull Ups for Days open up and was keen to finally try to fix my movement. After following the free one, I became aware of how MUCH I was missing overall in my movement, I was hooked and knew I had to keep going on the program AND when I saw you'd be in Florida, I knew I couldn't miss it.

I signed up for both days of the seminar, even though I was a little timid that my strength wouldn't permit me to participate fully - I was wrong! Each day had warm ups, progressions, and partner work that let me explore the full range of activation and action. It brought a new awareness to the exercises I had been seeing in my program and on your Instagram - I could *feel* exactly what it was supposed to be. I could also see and receive the right corrections to elevate what I had been doing. It was the perfect combination of *why* to go with the *what* and *how*, working inside out to connect to gymnastics practice. The setup of the day also let me do things I never attempted in a regular space. I had never been able to do much on rings or muscle up work, but you had the pieces in place so I could try them and have a shot at what I am working towards with all the pieces.  Definitely an eye opener after years of being relegated to dips and push ups every time muscle ups appeared in programming.

I'm not perfect, not particularly fit, and not a specialist so normally I am quite shy to try things in case I fail miserably, but the layout of your coaching also made me feel safe and comfortable to be bad at things so I could see what I need to work on.  After the seminar I was easily able to carry over the connections I had made and bring them to my workouts. I've seen some considerable strength gains because of attending and understanding the correct activation.

I know this wasn't short, but I have a lot to say to everyone about how your program and seminar changed the game for me!

Thank you for the work you put into this as well - not only was it a game changer for me, but I wouldn't hesitate to go again. There's so much you can tweak and perfect that I know I'd be able to find more movement gold in it.

Ciara McCarthy - London, UK

I’m aware that I need to build for strict movements, and I wanted Simons exercises and his coaching eye. I was not disappointed!

I got my first Bar Muscle-Up, strung 3 Strict Ring Dips together, just by activating correctly and got close to a Ring Muscle-Up which honestly I thought would be impossible.

I do Simon’s L2 programming and I highly recommend both!

Lander Telmo - Bilbao, Spain

The content of the course is applicable to classes and to most of the membership that you find in gyms. All of the movements were relevant and Simons analytical breakdown of them was invaluable to me as an athlete. You can tell he is very experienced.


I found Simon's gymnastics videos on Instagram by chance and started following his profile, as the content seemed to be very interesting and of high quality. I was than super happy and surprised when I found out there will be a seminar in Milan! What a better way to learn than in person, having the opportunity to meet Simon, ask questions and have a whole picture of some of the movements I wanted to learn.

And I haven't been disappointed. The seminar delivered exactly what I have expected! It was organized to details, I understood so many things and learned so many progressions!! I would recommend it to anyone who does crossfit, or anyone who is interested in gymnastics or just want to put their fitness on another lvl! Thanx Simon for the awesome experience and knowledge!


When it comes to gymnastics workshops, SYN GYMNASTICS is an absolute MUST.
Rational and sustainable progressions.
High quality work in terms of articulation, flexibility, prerequisites and technique.
This seminar is a true GAME changer for athletes and coaches who want to take their performance and skills to another level.
Absolutely recommended!

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